Saturday, April 04, 2020

Houston's Alley Theatre: 1984 streaming through April 12

Many thanks once again for Terry Teachout's post on Houston Alley Theatre's production of 1984, available online through April 12. More information can be found at their website, and the playbill can be found on issuu.

I've found Terry's blog extremely informational and enjoyable. His posts in the last few months regarding the severity and difficulty of his wife's medical issues have been troubling on a level that's difficult to explain regarding someone you've never met. As others have noted on his wife's death, it's difficult to explain the sadness I feel over someone's passing that I never directly knew or had any interaction with. Much of that has to do with the excitement that comes through in Terry's posts, whether it be about growing up in Smalltown, about finding the love of your life, or about the joy found in the arts.

His writing about being with Hilary on her last good day, Joy in the Afternoon is a post I highly recommend. If you're not an organ donor, please follow the links on becoming one at the end of the post.

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