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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Thank you friends

Things are going to be busier than normal until year-end. We're packing up our house over the next week, then camping out in our home for a couple of weeks before the sale closes. Working on finishing up the semester for the boys is taking more work than getting them enrolled in their new schools, but we're slogging through it. My wife is handling things well, but I can tell the stress of selling her practice and the house is weighing heavy on her, so the blog will take a third-row backseat (or looking backwards from the rear of the station wagon) to everything else going on right now.

Posts on all the books I've read may show up sporadically, but more likely in the new year. I have no idea what the next few weeks will bring, but I'm looking forward to our family's next chapter and making sure it goes as smoothly as possible. In the meantime, I'd like to thank everyone here for all your kind comments, now and over the years. It means a lot to get such positive feedback. It's a simple gesture (although hopefully not futile and stupid), but here are two different recordings of the same song...take your pick on final recording or stripped-down demo version. Or if you're like me, embrace the healing power of "and."


  1. good luck with all that... i hope you all find time to have some sort of holiday celebration amidst all the demands on your attention and time...

  2. I, too, hope that all goes well! Fingers crossed!


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