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Saturday, October 21, 2017


Yesterday was the first day in about sixteen months that I was pain-free for a few hours. I cannot tell you how great that felt. It turns out I got very little done during that time, though. I found myself simply enjoying the feeling. Or lack of it, I guess.

I know I've said this a few times already, but I'm hoping to begin blogging again (not to mention reading for more than a few minutes at a time) once I get back to some semblance of normal, or to whatever the new normal happens to be. There's another procedure planned for the end of November, which may be the last of what is needed to be something resembling whole again. We will see how things go. Thanks so much for your patience!


  1. Oh man. Yeah, I'd probably just sit there or go for a walk outside and spend the whole time marveling at how great it was. I'm glad you got to have that. Good luck on the next procedure!

  2. Thanks Jean. I'm enjoying the general improvement so much. It came out of the blue, a couple of days straight for part of each day, and it's been a blessing. Much appreciated!

  3. I'm very glad to hear you're feeling better, Dwight! And fingers crossed that the next procedure goes smoothly and brings more improvements.

  4. Thanks Lisa! I appreciate the kind words.

  5. Belated thanks for your post, Dwight, and for sharing the good news about your improvement in health. I look forward to your return to "serious blogging" whenever you feel up to it. Cheers!

  6. Thanks Richard. Had parts of two days that felt almost normal, then back to the same old thing. But those were (parts of) two glorious days!


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