A list of works covered in this blog

Thursday, November 27, 2014


I have felt down about a lot of things lately, and not being able to blog consistently has been a part of that. Fortunately, my wife constantly reminds me (through her actions) of the beneficial power of gratitude. I want to say a word of thanks to all those that have commented here and especially to you who still check in here occasionally.

I also want to thank the vibrant community of book bloggers, who take the time and effort to post about what you've read and sharing your experiences. Even though I don't always comment on how your posts have added to my own reading experience, I'll take the opportunity now to express how fortunate and grateful I feel to have the opportunity to participate in such a wonderful exchange. Thanks so much.


  1. I look forward to seeing you post again, I hope. :) Happy Thanksgiving and may your weekend be relaxing and filled with books and family.

  2. I look forward to your posts.

    I myself sometimes am unable to blog as much as I like to. Life just gets too busy.

    I a too am very grateful to the wonderful book blogging community.

    I am looking forward to your future posts.

  3. I hope things start to feel better for you soon. I also understand about not being able to blog as often as you want... I have the same problem. Like Jean, I hope you're able to get in some rest and reading during the holiday weekend. Thank you for your posts!

  4. I think a lot of us get those periods from time to time, far more than admit it. I hope things pick up and I also look forward to your future posts. Thanks also for your past ones.

  5. Blogging has helped me through some dark patches.i wish you and your family the best and our Parade's End read along of 2007 is still one of my blogging highlights.

  6. Dwight -

    I can certainly sympathize, and I share that gratitude for others who've made the effort to write about the books that have impacted them. In fact, I was just thinking of your blog this past weekend, as I'm determined to get to more Pérez Galdós this coming year and know exactly where to go for helpful writing about him!

  7. A belated "Thanks" to everyone who has commented. Things are looking up here (alas not regarding free time) and it's nice to see and visit everyone.

    Mel, has it been that long ago? It's time for me to revisit it!

    And Scott, I look forward to seeing what you read on BPG.

    Again, thanks all.


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