A list of works covered in this blog

Friday, March 14, 2014

Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell

I've posted before on the LitWits Workshops my oldest son has attended and it looks like I'll do so again. We read Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell and he attended the workshop on it. For anyone not familiar with the story it's a Robinson Crusoe-like tale based on the Lone Woman of San Nicolas Island. Both boys enjoyed the story. The oldest son enjoyed the activities they did and got even more out of the book. He has asked to go to more workshops, which we have signed up for!

Whether you homeschool or not, I'll also recommend Teacher Created Resources literature guides, all titled A Guide for Using (Book Title) in the Classroom. We have used a couple of these to help round out the books we read together and they do a good job of providing plenty of activities for the student.

That's it for today since we need to start school…

Photo courtesy of LitWits Workshops


  1. http://beyondeastrod.blogspot.com/

  2. Bravo to home schooling . . . I wish I had the option as a student and later as a parent . . .


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